API Overview

Following are the APIs that Ylytic offers.

Third-Party API

Get Public data and insights of a creator (with or without Audience demographics) using their Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok handle. Add creator handles before initiating the creator insights request.

Third Party API

Campaign Tracking API

Get post and Campaign-level (aggregated) insights, including Campaign Overview, Engagement, ROI, Audience Demographics, Top Comments, and Sentiment Analysis.

Campaign Tracking API

First Party API

Get Consented data and insights for your first-party connects. Before initiating the insights don't forget to create a verification URL and verify the creator.

First Party API

Realtime Tracking API

Utilize the Tracking API to monitor and trace the activities of creators, enhancing your ability to gather valuable insights and data.

Realtime Tracking API

Data Refresh

Utilize the Data Refresh API to monitor the activities of a creator (without Audience demographics) using their Instagram or YouTube handle.

Data Refresh API

Last updated