Profile Overview

1. Personal Information

The creator's profile provides key details, including active handles with associated links, email, contact information, location, and categories such as arts and music, cinema, and entertainment. This comprehensive information ensures users have access to the necessary details for a well-informed exploration of creators on the platform.

2. Social Statistics


Provides the total count of followers on the respective social media handles.

2.2. Engagement Rate

The formula for Instagram Engagement Rate is:

EngagementRate=(TotalEngagement(Likes,share,comments)/TotalFollowers)×100Engagement Rate=(Total Engagement(Likes ,share ,comments)/Total Followers)×100

The formula for Youtube Engagement Rate is:

EngagementRate=(TotalViewsTotalInteractions(likes,comments,shares)/TotalViews)×100Engagement Rate=(Total ViewsTotal Interactions (likes, comments, shares)​/Total Views)×100

2.3. Posts (per week)

This provides the number or frequency of content posted on the handles within a week.

2.4. Effective Follower Rate

Effective Follower Rate is the ratio of active viewers to total followers. It is calculated by taking median views of the last 90 days' posts as a percentage of followers.

3. Profile Quality

In the profile quality assessment, metrics such as engagement rate, effective followers, and posting consistency are evaluated on a scale of 0 to 100. The results are then categorized into grades, ranging from "good" to "excellent." This grading system provides a comprehensive overview of the influencer's profile performance, helping to gauge the effectiveness and consistency of their content and engagement.

4. Engagement Rate Graph

The engagement rate graph illustrates a general uptrend in follower engagement every three days for first party creators and every seven days for third party creators. This allows us to discover whether the engagement is on the rise or decline.

5. Cumulative Followers Graph

The cumulative rate graph illustrates a general uptrend in the followers count of the creator which is calculated every three days for the first part creators and every seven days for the third party creators. This allows us to discover whether the cumulative follower rate is on the rise or decline.

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